The evil twin

RIKU is KIRU, boosted. 😈

More Price Increase, More Burn.

He looks cute but he's fucking EVIL

Riku is Kiru's evil alter-ego. He has a lot of power and loves using it for mischief. He's helping Kiru on the quest to absorb all money, for selfish reasons.


Riku's power comes from Kiru. While Kiru is capable of harnessing external power and turn it into energy, Riku can increase Kiru's energy flow and benefit from it.

An unstoppable source of energy, two angels fuelling each other. ♾️


Under the hood, every $RIKU trade goes through $KIRU.

-> In the buy case, a single buy will pump both Kiru and Riku. Each token have an internal burning mechanism and will benefit from the volume.

-> In the sell case, KIRU is impacted by less than the total amount of sell pressure on RIKU.

1% of sell volume is burned. This volume always stays on Kiru's side, and can never trade back to ETH, effectively inflating the price of $KIRU forever.


Indexing $RIKU on $KIRU has some interesting properties:

  • a Riku buy is a levered bet on Kiru

  • Kiru spot price increase implies an equivalent % increase in Riku price

The burn mechanism is way more aggressive in Riku and will make the price go up faster that any other token.

each Riku trade increases the price of Kiru each Kiru trade increases the price of Riku



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